About Us

Our Vision

Every Person Matters

Our Mission

Building a transformational community by
growing in love with Christ and all people.

Our Core Values

Four core values describe who we are and strive to become. They describe the picture we hope we are moving towards, by God’s grace working in us. They are the foundation of all our ministries, and drive our mission. We are praying that these deeply held values would intersect every aspect of our lives together.

Taken together, these are also our discipleship pathway. We seek truth and embrace the gospel in a Sunday service each week. We Choose Community through a LifeGroup. We Join the Mission in or through the church. And together, we are transformed to be more and more like Christ.

Our Journey

Our desire is to consistently saturate our lives in the Truth of the Gospel, consistently join a loving community for the journey and consistently serve a mission bigger than self.

So, we invite everyone to gather weekly in an inspiring worship environment where we hear great teaching on unchanging Truth and learn to apply the Gospel. We invite everyone to be involved in an authentic small group community where we study God’s Word and run after Christ together and we invite everyone to serve, whether inside or outside the church, because we are on mission for purposes bigger than ourselves.

These three environments, we believe, will help us grow in Christ.

In order for that to happen, we believe that it is best to invest in one of each before two of any.

Our sole desire is to help you know God so you can love Him—and others—well. This is the journey!

Our Beliefs