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Joining Jesus on His Mission

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The Gift of Pain

This 8-9-week series will address the age old “problem of pain.” We all suffer. Some worse than others. We all experience and witness evil. Some worse than others. We live in a VUCA world (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous). How do we make sense of it all? Could good come of it, or do we just “eat, drink, and be as merry as we can.” Nihilism can slip into our souls and it will suck us dry.

In this series, we will teach and empathize and love. We will show how pain can be a gift. God uses it to draw us near to eachother, to make us more compassionate, to help us learn dependence and delayed gratification. Eventually, pain makes us bitter or better.

Prophecy Fulfilled

The Spiritual Battle

Ephesians may be the most clear letter on the theology and effects of the Gospel. The first three chapters are theological. The latter 3 chapters are applicational. In this series, we will teach how the Gospel is such great news for all that is bad today: we have a lousy sense of identity. We have lousy relationships across ethnicities. Marriages are struggling. Consciences are seared. Drunkenness prevails. The Gospel is good news for bad days.

Good News for Bad Days

Ephesians may be the most clear letter on the theology and effects of the Gospel. The first three chapters are theological. The latter 3 chapters are applicational. In this series, we will teach how the Gospel is such great news for all that is bad today: we have a lousy sense of identity. We have lousy relationships across ethnicities. Marriages are struggling. Consciences are seared. Drunkenness prevails. The Gospel is good news for bad days.

A Word to the Wise

This 8-week series aims to provide practical insights for life issues from the book of Proverbs. Each week we will select a single verse from Proverbs related to issues like fear, anger, gluttony, and sloth.

The book of Proverbs is like a good dad, dispensing wisdom to his kids as
they walk along the road of life. The Proverbs are powerful because they are pithy and memorable. As we hear from different speakers during this summer series, we hope to provide practical insights in a light-hearted way.

Another Kind of Life

This 9-week series will define the Gospel of The Kingdom of God. Many Christians think of the Gospel as something that forgives our past sins and secures our future in heaven. Period, end
of story. Jesus taught that the Gospel includes those truths, but it’s about far more than forgiveness and sin management. The Gospel of the Kingdom is the invitation that the good reign of God has come near. We will one day go to heaven, but until then, we get to be part of this great drama of expanding the Kingdom of God here and now. We get to become part of bringing a bit of heaven down to earth.

Jesus describes all of this in Matthew 13, which is one of the most critical chapters on the Kingdom of God. Rather than a “fear this world” kind of life, or a “grin and bear it” kind of life, Jesus invites us to another kind of life, which looks and feels more like Jesus, today. Paul said it well, “The Kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit” (Rom. 14:17). Life in the Kingdom starts today.

God and His Competitors

his 8 week series will expose the idols that Americans make as substitutes for God. Many of these are prevalent in the church, and a few are more prevalent in the broader culture. In Ancient Near East culture, these idols were tangible. Speaking of the gods of Babylon & Assyria, Isaiah writes, The carpenter measures with a line and makes an outline with a marker; he roughs it out with chisels and marks it with compasses. He shapes it in human form, human form in all its glory, that it may dwell in a shrine (Is. 44:13).

Humans are always looking for something transcendent. In general, contemporaries know better than to ascribe worship to a wood carving, but that doesn’t stop us from giving our hearts to other things. Or, sometimes we simply have false portraits of God, which dominate our thinking, because of our families of origin or because of unhealthy churches. These false portraits inevitably affect our worship, prayer life, and sense of self. In this series we will expose some of those false ideas, and simultaneously develop a portrait of God that reflects that God that Jesus revealed.

Songs of the Season

We will harken back to the past with four wonderful Christmas Carols. This series will explore the stories, theology, and Scripture related to five well-loved carols. Teaching, singing, seeing, feeling them can add texture to our faith this Christmas season. We hope that understanding the carols more will enhance our singing of them, and increase our joy in the advent season.