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The Gift of Pain
This 8-9-week series will address the age old “problem of pain.” We all suffer. Some worse than others. We all experience and witness evil. Some worse than others. We live in a VUCA world (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous). How do we make sense of it all? Could good come of it, or do we just “eat, drink, and be as merry as we can.” Nihilism can slip into our souls and it will suck us dry. In this series, we will teach and empathize and love. We will show how pain can be a gift. God uses it to draw us near to eachother, to make us more compassionate, to help us learn dependence and delayed gratification. Eventually, pain makes us bitter or better.

Prophecy Fulfilled

The Spiritual Battle
Ephesians may be the most clear letter on the theology and effects of the Gospel. The first three chapters are theological. The latter 3 chapters are applicational. In this series, we will teach how the Gospel is such great news for all that is bad today: we have a lousy sense of identity. We have lousy relationships across ethnicities. Marriages are struggling. Consciences are seared. Drunkenness prevails. The Gospel is good news for bad days.

Good News for Bad Days
Ephesians may be the most clear letter on the theology and effects of the Gospel. The first three chapters are theological. The latter 3 chapters are applicational. In this series, we will teach how the Gospel is such great news for all that is bad today: we have a lousy sense of identity. We have lousy relationships across ethnicities. Marriages are struggling. Consciences are seared. Drunkenness prevails. The Gospel is good news for bad days.

A Word to the Wise

Another Kind of Life

God and His Competitors